Sunday, August 21, 2011

When Japanese feel they?re back home from overseas

Continuing the foreign holiday theme, this time goo Ranking looked at when Japanese feel they are back home after overseas travel. The actual title contains one of these Japanese words that I always find difficult to translate; it?s the feeling of being able to relax after something stressful or challenging, the sigh after the first mouthful of cold beer that lets out all the stress of a hard day?s work, for instance. If any of my readers wish to chip in with a good translation for ?????, please comment!


Over the 6th and 7th of June 2011 1,148 members of the goo Research online monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 50.6% of the sample were male, 12.1% in their teens, 16.9% in their twenties, 28.0% in their thirties, 25.4% in their forties, 9.7% in their fifties, and 7.9% aged sixty or older. Note that the score in the results refers to the relative number of votes for each option, not a percentage of the total sample.

My feeling of being back home is going to Starbucks in Kansai Airport arrivals lounge; it?s a combination of trying to make myself understood in Japanese through a faceful of stubble and hangover-enhanced jetlag, the staff trying their hardest with English, and when it comes to pay, my triumphant I?m-not-just-another-bloody-tourist moment as I wave my Kabibara-san-encased electronic cash and declare ?PiTaPa onegaishimasu!?


Ranking result

Q: When do you feel you?re back home after being overseas? (Sample size=1,148)

Rank ? Score
1 When I eat Japanese food 100
2 When I get into the bath 79.3
3 When I lie down in my own bed 78.4
4 When the plane touches down in Japan 74.6
5 When I see my family?s faces 71.0
6 When I make myself understood in Japanese 69.7
7 When I watch my favourite Japanese television program 47.9
8 When I pass through the Japanese immigation gate 42.9
9 When the toilet I enter is clean 37.3
10 When I see Japanese advertising signage 36.0
11 When I meet my friends, girlfriend, boyfriend again 30.1
12 When I get three bars on my mobile phone 29.7
13 When I pick up my luggage at the airport 26.1
14 When I hear the sounds of seatbelts being undone 15.1
15 When I get into a taxi to ride home 9.7
16 When the trains run on time 8.8
17 When I can drink green tea out of a plastic bottle 7.9
18 When my pet comes to greet me 7.4
19 When the toilet seat is warm 7.0
Read more on: foreign,goo ranking,travel


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