Monday, August 15, 2011

Love Baseball but Hate Doing the Wave? Join the crowd?

The Wave Watcher's Companion: Ocean Waves, Stadium Waves, and All the Rest of Life's Undulations
The Wave Watcher?s Companion:
Ocean Waves, Stadium Waves, and All the Rest of Life?s Undulations

Web Watch has been told that we were the first to get a Wave started at Coors Field in Denver during a Colorado Rockies baseball game circa 1993 or 1994 or so.

We may not have the date correct, but the one fact we do know is true is that drunk college kids sitting in front of us are easily persuaded to do things that they might not normally do in public.

Like doing The Wave.

You know.? Everybody in your section stands up in unison while shouting ?whoooooOAOOOOAOOAOAOAAAAA!? before sitting down again.

Web Watch has gotten to the age where doing The Wave is not amusing anymore, and we?ve contemplated starting a counterwave going in the opposite direction.? (Although we do admit that it?s awesome when the upper deck gets a wave going in one direction while the lower deck goes the other.)

Greg Holland agrees with us, and has started a campaign to STOP THE WAVE.

He?s not completely against The Wave.? Quite the contrary ? all he wants is for sporting fans to follow some simple rules:

  • NEVER start the wave while the home team is pitching
  • NEVER start the wave if the home team has one or more men on base
  • NEVER start the wave if either team is a grand-slam away from tying the game
  • NEVER EVER start the wave during a playoff game

See?? Four rules that anyone can follow ? even kids!

What about you?? How do you feel about The Wave at ballparks?? Are there other fan stand-traditions that need to stop?



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