Sunday, August 21, 2011

Various Methods of Thai Massage Liverpool - Health Articles Direct

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Thai massage Liverpool is a branch of Thai medicine which comprises of manipulation, diet, medicinal treatment and ritual ceremony. It is principally an alternative healing method of the ayurvedic kind. Ayurvedic healing arts were developed in the past 3,500 years in India. They include overall healing of the body by using procedures like herbs, acupuncture, diets, deep breathing, meditation, yoga as well as massage.

Thai massage Liverpool utilizes numerous techniques. In both Eastern and Western healing systems, the idea of maintaining balance or equilibrium is seen essential to good health. ?Sen? are considered passages for energy, and match up with blood vessels in the body. Traditional Thai healing practices recommends that when the ?Sen? become blocked energy, the body grows stagnant and loses its balance, leading to a range of diseases. Thai massage applies pressure along these energy channels. It works as an external stimulant to make certain internal effects within the body, both freeing energy from obstruction and preserving health and harmony.

Another Thai massage Liverpool method is blood stopping. This is accomplished through putting pressure on a major artery in the arm or leg for an extended period of time- up to about a minute. The theory behind this method is that cutting off a major source of circulation to an area will primarily lead to increased pressure that would cause the heart muscle to slow its contractions in order to bring the pressure down. When the pressure on the artery is released a fresh supply of blood rushes into the area, causing it to relax more intensely. This procedure, however, is not used on anybody with heart disorders.

Reflexology is also a part of Thai massage. It is based on the knowledge that there are nerve-endings with relation to every inner organ on parts of the body. During an illness or other impact on one of the organs, this relation shows as a hurting place on a reflexology map. These points can be stimulated by a massage and so favorably influence functions of inner and external organs. Thai foot massage is not only a very agreeable relaxation technique but by balancing energy flows in the body, it encourages self-healing processes.

Book a schedule for a Thai massage Liverpool session today.

Searching for the perfect Thai Massage Liverpool? Then don?t forget to drop by Thai Massage Liverpool website where you can find out all about Thai Massage Liverpool and what it can do for you.

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