Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Are You Having an Emotional Affair? ? SEO Article Directory, Find ...

When most people think of an affair, they think of physical relationships. However, an emotional affair can be just as devastating as a physical one. Sometimes, you may be involved in an affair of the emotional variety without even knowing it.

Emotional affairs usually aren?t talked about very often. It?s defined as a strong emotional connection with anyone that isn?t your spouse or partner. You shouldn?t just avoid having friends however.

Emotional affairs are very common in the workplace. Being around someone of the opposite sex for hours a day, several days a week can often lead to trouble. If you have a great friendship with a coworker, then you could easily be having an emotional affair.

It?s very rare to find someone who isn?t connected to the internet nowadays. It?s easy to find and talk to someone in another state or even another country. These new friendships may cross the boundary of an emotional affair quite easily.

Social media websites are one of the main problems. You can easily get in contact with past lovers. These friendships can start out innocently enough. However, the chances of things crossing the line increase a lot as your friendship grows.

There are certain signs that you?re having an emotional affair. The main thing is that you?ll form a strong emotional connection with your counterpart. You will share your feelings and problems with the person also.

It?s common to start sharing these feelings and problems with your friend instead of your partner. You will start withdrawing or becoming disinterested in spending time with your partner. Your friend will be all that?s on your mind.

Lack of sexual intimacy is one of the biggest problems. Many emotional affairs become physical at this point.

If you realize that you?re in an emotional affair, you need to act quickly. You don?t have to cut off all communication with the person, but you definitely should scale things back a bit.

An emotional affair can be just as hurtful as a physical one. You wouldn?t want your spouse to hurt you, so you shouldn?t do anything that would possibly hurt them either.Doc No.sdlkh-sdAE

Kristie Brown writes on a variety of topics from health to technology. Check out her websites on Free marriage advice and How to save a marriage

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