Sunday, August 7, 2011

Things to Look For When Purchasing a Baseball Bat

Sporty parents nowadays know that participating in sports is very expensive. Having a baseball player in the house can be one of the costliest of the sports. The bat alone can set you back up to $400! That is why it?s important for you to know what to look for in a bat. In this article, I?ll help you understand some of the main items to look for.

The handle is one of the most important features of a baseball bat. There needs to be a comfort level with the way the bat feels. You don?t want a grip that is too rigid or too spongy. Too much cushion can cause a grip that is too tight, which can actually lessen some of the hitter?s pop.

A bat?s balance can actually make a big distinction in the way a bat feels. If the bat is weighted towards the handle, it makes the bat feel lighter, giving you the feel of more control. Conversely, if it is weighted towards the barrel, it can give the hitter a quicker swing, a faster bat speed, and more power.

Players are most concerned with how the ball going travel off of the bat. Will it perform correctly when I really make good contact? Even more important, how will it react when I don?t catch it quite right? Is it going to still travel well, or will it be a dinker back to the pitcher? The new BBCOR rules have taken some of this out of the equation, as most bats are going to perform pretty much the same.

Of course, kids don?t typically care about the durability of a bat, but moms and dads absolutely do! How many seasons is this bat going to last? Will I get multiple seasons out of it? A few models of bats are infamous for breaking. It is vital to weed out what brands those are.

Let?s be honest?we all have to look stylish out on the field. Bat manufacturers today know this better than anyone and they spend a lot of research dollars and time when coming up with the aesthetics of each bat. It?s vital to see what bats fit your style. Don?t choose the bat on this by itself, though. You won?t look good striking out, no matter how pretty that bat is!

Looking to find the best information on baseball bat reviews, then visit this article to find the best advice on buying a baseball bat.

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