Thursday, August 11, 2011

Criminal Lawyer |

Criminal Lawyer

here exists a wide array of professions that offer good salaries. However, many job aspirants do not just want money but also want prestige that comes from being part of a glorified profession. Take for example, the legal profession,

specifically being a barrister. A barrister is distinct from a lawyer, although both have the same legal education. Barristers do not directly deal with individuals seeking legal help. Instead, they work with solicitors who act as the point

of contact for general public.

Progressing to the role of barrister is possible only after doing hard work as a lawyer or attorney for several years, sometimes even decades. In these years, the aspiring barrister gains in-depth knowledge of the legal systems,

administrative proceedings of courts of law, and the nitty-gritty of jurisprudence. These skill sets are mandatory requirements for becoming a barrister, often coupled with a minimum number of years spent as a practicing lawyer.

Barristers are much more adept at oration skills, debating skills, analytical skills, and reading between the lines. These skills ensure that barristers are fully prepared to represent their clients ? solicitors in matters of debate during

actual court sessions presided over by a jury. It may appear simplistic; however, being under the eye of court scrutiny can unsettle most lawyers. Barristers typically gain proficiency in doing so through years of painstaking practice.

Barristers cannot independently handle a client?s case. They require assistance from other legal professionals such as drafting clerks, solicitors etc. to prepare for the actual courtroom day. If it were not for these professionals,

barristers would not win a single court case for their clients.

Barristers specialize in specific categories of law. The simplest distinction can be made between barristers that work on civil law suits and those that work on criminal law suits. However, even civil law barristers do not handle all

kinds of civil law cases. In reality, barristers limit themselves to niche areas such as intellectual property and patents law suits, company law suits, individual taxation law suits etc. Similarly, criminal law barristers can specialize in

homicide law, sexual offence related laws, juvenile delinquency laws etc.

While barristers can practice independently, most of them choose to associate themselves with one or the other professional law firms. Such an association helps the barrister to maintain a steady stream of court cases, and

therefore, a steady source of income. It also helps them leverage the knowledge of other colleagues who are also attached to the same law firm.

In many countries where barristers perform distinct legal functions from solicitors, getting their services could prove to be an invaluable addition to any legal team. While solicitors have a direct access to clients the barrister?s ability to

find audience in any court ensures that a client?s interest is always protected.

- Barristers are specialist. They can provide valuable legal opinion on their specific areas of law expertise. Some of the areas legal barristers in London often specialise include personal injury law, taxation, construction, criminal law,

medical injury, insurance fraud, product liability and more. Solicitors often turn for counsel in matters of case laws and precedents to barristers.

- London, the home of many of the country?s high courts houses many of the best barristers in the land. This is true because one of the exclusive functions of barristers is advocacy which gives them the ability to find audience in all
Criminal Barrister
courts. This could be especially difficult since solicitors are limited to audiences in lower courts. In this regard, barristers act in a similar function as trial court lawyers in other countries advocating their cases to court.

- Barristers are also needed in trial cases especially those that deal with examining and cross examining witnesses. They are also involved in preparing cases for trial, preparing legal arguments and advising solicitors on relevant

points of the law.

- In some cases barristers may act as mediators in settling cases and negotiating amicable settlements between parties in a case.

- Employed barristers who work under private organisations may undertake similar legal activities for their employers. Those in more senior positions are tasked with formulating policies and advising the company in new strategies.

- Members of queen chambers are tasked with managing the daily functions of the organisation and also with the recruitment and advising other barristers. London chambers in particular are home to many self employed barristers

who chose to work in a more independent fashion.

A crucial service for both defendants and the prosecuted like, Barristers in the UK are some of the most highly regarded people anywhere in the World. Their dedication to practicing the oldest legal system still remaining is

admirable, and it means the UK enjoys a fantastic reputation for both domestic and International law.


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