Monday, July 16, 2012

Smart Negotiators Negotiate the Ground Rules of Negotiations

2:00 PM By Article Directory

'; div.innerHTML = summary; } //]]> Smart Negotiators Negotiate the Ground Rules of Negotiations Smart Negotiators Negotiate the Ground Rules of Negotiations

You may have heard the adage that "Everything is Negotiable!"

Whether this is technically true is open to debate, but we are well-served if we believe it.

One of the most critical, and under-negotiated aspects of negotiating is HOW we're going to conduct ourselves during the process.

This includes everything from where we'll sit down to chat, if we're meeting face-to-face, how long our session or sessions will run, the number and duration of breaks, and the people involved in the negotiations and their authority to green-light deals.

Especially helpful is discussing, up front, the role of certain ploys and what have come to be called "dirty tricks" in negotiating.

For example, some bargainers seem to take to heart Yogi Berra's adage: "It ain't over 'till it's over." You seem to have all of the issues wrapped up in a neat package and they tug on the ribbon with certain 12th hour adjustments.

They might "nibble," which is asking for a seemingly small concession or perk that would only affect the overall value of the deal by a percent or two. Because it is late, you're tired, and the request seems so minor, you're inclined at that point to concede without a struggle.

Nibbles can be avoided by agreeing to a "No Nibbling Rule" up-front. If someone tries this ploy, all the other party has to do is shake his head and admonish: "Remember, no nibbling!" and it will probably be ushered out of the conversation.

The same principle can be applied to the very common practice of one side introducing a fresh negotiator at an advanced stage of the proceedings, which usually achieves a weakening in the resolve of the other party.

A "No New Faces Rule" can lessen the possibility of this occurring, and again, if it does, the disadvantaged party can cry, "Foul!"

Be smart before you get underway with your next negotiation. Agree to a few basic ground rules and you'll make it go that much more smoothly.

Are you looking for the Best Practices in Negotiation(TM), in sales, customer service, or telemarketing training? Contact us.

Dr. Gary S. Goodman is a top trainer, conference and convention speaker, and sales, customer service, and negotiation consultant. A frequent expert commentator on radio and TV, he is also the best-selling author of 12 books, more than 1,000 articles and several popular audio and video programs. His seminars are sponsored internationally and he is a faculty member at more than 40 universities, including UC Berkeley and UCLA. Gary brings over two decades of sales, management and consulting experience to the table, with impressive academic credentials: A Ph.D. from USC, an MBA from the Peter F. Drucker School of Management, and a J.D. degree from Loyola Law School, his clients include several Fortune 1000 companies..

His web site is: and he can be seen on CNBC at: and reached at: His blogs include: YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS! and ALWAYS COLD CALL! at:

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