Once a month, sometimes twice we have family game night. It is where we pull out a favorite board game or two and play. When the kids were young it usually meant we played games like Candyland and Chutes and Ladders. Now that they are a bit older we play things like Monopoly and Life.
This of course is another one of things that I did as a child and now as adults we still make fun of my older brother who always had two cars of kids while playing the Game of Life. Funnily enough he has the most kids of all of us. Our children all enjoy the games and we all have a blast. Since we all play with our own families once a month when we get together to play we usually have several games being played at once.
Our favorite is Monopoly Championship where we all play individual games, according to ages and then the winners of each of those games go on to play one another to see who is the ultimate Monopoly Champion. Our children are learning that healthy competitiveness is okay and not to be a sore loser (we wait until they all go to sleep to begin making fun of the losers because what would sibling rivalry be without a little fun.)
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Source: http://blogs.ideasforwomen.com/blogs/family/2012/07/family-fun-game-night/
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