Monday, September 5, 2011

CMS And SEO For Online Business Growth The Double Boost Of ...

CMS And SEO For Online Business Growth ? The Double Boost Of Power For Your Online Business

Article by uma


CMS or Content management system has become an integral part of the web evolution, with SEO tracking each of the online identity to make it noticeable in the consumer space. The online content that grows along with business prospects, should be streamlined with SEO, the catchy factor, which will give a high visibility with search engines. Content dynamism and search-engine visibility are the twin parameters for succeeding in the web-space

CMS answers the former concern of a growing website as it spells the dynamic effect, much in parallel to a real-time business scenario. And, SEO on the other hand gives the exposure of the online content(website) to the ? public window? . The higher the ranking in search engines, the greater is the probability of your business? clicks turning into high sales rate.

In other words, CMS and SEO are the indispensable compatriots to head your business to the pinnacle of performance. When content management systems work in tandem with SEO, you experience a skyrocketing thrust for your online business. The upcoming CMS and the classic ones have SEO features ? some with plug-ins and others with built-in features to give every developer/user the ? clicking-edge? for the business-site. With so many in line, vying to be the best SEO CMS, let us explore some of the top rated systems according to SEO performance.


The popular in the CMS space, which resounds with the SEO mantra is the MODX, rated the best SEO CMS, through popularity and user rating. Most of the SEO features in MODx are built-in with the user/developer having full control on the output to be generated. The demand for a good technical know-how to implement the concept of theming is overridden in this CMS system. This is because the framework supports custom variables to the extent helping the user with ? What you desire is what you will get? , with the help of HTML alone. Close on the heels of Modx is the concrete5, which is a newcomer in the CMS space, with features and utilities such as built-in caching, search engine friendly URLS, duly incorporating the necessary meta data by default in the web pages, which makes concrete5 a good SEO-ed CMS.

Of course, there is Jhoomla, which spun off wonders in the way user-friendliness and interfacing for the non-tech users. Its latest version (1.6), with its newly incorporated SEO features is making a hit in the market, compared to the erstwhile loopholes in the context of SEO compatibility, which have been plugged.

In terms of both high potential growth and astute SEO techniques, WordPress wins hands down though unlike its successors in the CMS space, its performance is ruled by plug-ins and modules. Similarly, Drupal renders optimum functionality through its modules and plug-ins, which when used judiciously, makes the CMS an ace performer in the web-space.


It is well observed that there is a parallel growth in technologies to meet up to the web-standards of development. Simulating the real-time market scenario and drawing a thin line of distinction between the real and virtual, is the partnership between CMS and SEO. For the fast-paced web-medium, with businesses performing almost at the speed of thought, the twin technologies, have made everything possible virtually, so that your online business carves out a niche for itself attracting a wider-base of consumers, roping in other business prospects to entail under your business brand.


Streamlining your business requirements within the robust framework spelt by CMS and SEO, is top-notch web development company, USA, Pixint Graphics. Pixint encompasses a wide range of services from seo services, graphic designing, web design and sorts under the web-expanse rendering a limitless scope for your business to perform. At Pixint, the service sis not just limited to optimization of your online business performance but expanding its identity in the ever-growing web-space, making customers/clients end their search for a highly visible service provider!

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About the Author

Uma Sarangan is a Computer Science post graduate and has been a freelance content writer for websites for over three years. She can be contacted at


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