Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How to cure arthritis - 12Dass | Healthcare | Women s Health | Fitness

Did you know that Asian countries like Japan, China and Thailand have the lowest rates of arthritis in the world?

Why are rates of arthritis in the U.S. And almost all Western countries through the roof, waiting for that to double within the next 50 years while theirs continue to fall? Do they have found a way how to cure arthritis?

Our scientists are learning fast and trying to get to the bottom of why? This large difference in how to cure arthritis between East and West. However, in no time and there have been some amazing advances.

Medical system or medical schools:

Medicine is largely a philosophical question, one way of looking at the phenomenon of life and interpret its manifestations. Disease and his unfortunate companion, pain, are a type of these events, perhaps the noisiest.

Western school of medicine sees disease as a manifestation of mechanical problem, a system failure that is fixed by changing the ?defective? as if it were a car or a clockwork. So many Western countries do not have a health care system have the disease and the urgency for doing very little prevention.

Western doctors are generally obsessed with delivering pills and potions and if this ?magic bullet? does not work, right to the operating room, removed, cut what is causing the problem. The idea is to change the carburetor or fuel pump or the batteries and ready, no more problem.

This really is half the problem, not that this is a mistaken view of medicine is very important, in the last two hundred years supported this philosophy we have made incredible advances, almost magical, but more and more doctors are realizing that this is not enough simply missing something in the western concept as ?diseased tissue?.

Oriental medicine by contrast, gives greater look at the whole body, since the Asian medical school considers the manifestations of all diseases that are expressed through a particular organ system but are a result of a pathology whole body.

When an arthritis patient goes to a doctor?s office in Tokyo or Beijing, the doctor prescribes medication immediately. Its aim is first to reach the root of the problem that is causing arthritis, and the symptom is not considered a disease of cartilage tissue in particular, but a manifestation of the particular organism and focuses on how to cure arthritis and only in its manifestations.

That said, are two different views of medicine, both are valid under the circumstances, the two have much to say and ideally a synthesis of both schools are working on it and hopefully contribute to the welfare resultadas and improve the quality of human life.

The diets of fish: Another thing to consider is that in the diet of Asian countries have a huge impact on fish consumption. This permanent consumption of fish, he joined the agency abundance of omega-3 healthy fats. In addition, replacing red meat which is basically promoted arthritis pain.

Asians are also more active than the West. Even in highly developed countries like Japan, exercise is much more common in people of any age, including over seventy years in the U.S. And Canada. A recently published research in Arthritis Care & Research, which noted that inactivity and sedentary Western man, is the main reason why 1 in 5 people have some form of arthritis.

Herbal medicine: there is no doubt that our diets high in saturated fat and highly processed, industrialized, transformed and transfigured, are largely responsible for the ?age of arthritis,? we are caught in it. But all is not what we eat, but basically what we eat not what you are doing most of the damage and prevents us from achieving an effective system of how to cure arthritis.

One thing to keep in mind, this comprobad?simo that ginger works just as well as OTC ibuprofen to reduce pain from arthritis and yet very few doctors advise Western school use and consume this plant family the cingiber?ceas instead of artificial chemical substitute.

Vegetables: a common view on the streets of China are the housewives in the local street market carrying bags of food. A closer look reveals these bags full of fresh vegetables such as broccoli, bok choy (Chinese cabbage) and carrots.

Fresh vegetables are full of essential vitamins ? like vitamin C ? which many arthritis patients lack.

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