Sunday, June 24, 2012

5 Small Practices For BIG Confidence

Mind Body Green:

Everyone recognizes that confidence is attractive. Subtle, genuine confidence projected outward in a healthy body is magnetic. We know we should feed our bodies nourishing food and take time to exercise and meditate each day. We do this not only to feel great but to look appealing as well. In order to be our best, we must commit to exuding self-confidence.
Confidence can be cultivated in a myriad of ways, and certainly there is no shortage of books written describing lengthy routines to build self-esteem and take over the world. But with just five simple habits and a little effort, you can empower yourself immediately in every situation. As a bonus, these five will also seriously improve your relationships as well. Excited about putting your best self out there? Try this today:
1. Make eye contact: Make and maintain eye contact throughout conversation, both when you are talking as well as listening. Too often, at least one side of the discussion appears distracted, which is frustrating for the other person. Eye contact says you are listening, you are engaged, and the other person is important and worth your time. Even if you are not feeling that in the moment, you will convey respect and you both will feel good about your interaction. This will create a confidence boost in you every time you communicate in person.

Read the whole story at Mind Body Green

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