Friday, May 25, 2012

You Need More Than Google to Generate Web Site Traffic Part 1

Web site traffic is the amount of visits and visitors a site receives. This traffic is determined by the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit. Sites monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic to see which pages of their site are popular and if there are any apparent trends. Such trends include specific pages being viewed by people in a particular country. Web traffic is measured to see the popularity of Web sites and individual pages or sections within a site.

Your site traffic can be analyzed by viewing the statistics found in the Web server log file, or by using Web site traffic analysis programs. Any quality Web hosting company will provide free detailed statistics for site traffic. A hit is generated when any file is served. A page view is generated when a visitor requests any page within the site. A visitor will always generate at least one page view - the home or main page - but could generate many more while viewing your site. There are many ways you can increase your Web site traffic, and they all lead to greater sales and profit potentials. We will discuss a variety of options that lead to increased Web site traffic.

There are several things that you can do to promote your Website in addition to promotion through search engines. These may include the following:

Approach your local chamber of commerce and request that they write a short article about you and your business. Even if you are an online-only business, the local exposure is great. You can then take that article and publish it on your site as another promotional tool. Offer to speak at a seminar or lead a workshop in your area of expertise. This is a great way to gain positive media exposure that is community oriented, thus gaining you credibility and trust among potential clients. Circulate your URL at the seminar, and give away a digital report via an auto-responder e-mail. Put your Web site URL on everything you distribute like flyers, promotional items, business cards, and letterheads; Follow up any correspondence from the media with a letter or phone call. Make sure to leave your Web site URL on their voice mail. This strategy gains media exposure by building your reputation as a conscientious, courteous entrepreneur.

Share your knowledge by writing articles and professional opinions for online publications. You can then, upload them to automated e-zine syndication sites. These syndication sites are perfect for inserting immediate hotlinks back to your site and other specific landing pages. Remember to include your e-mail or picture in the byline as well as brief biographical information on yourself and your business. The more exposure you generate, the more successful your business will become.

Atlantic Publishing - Bruce Brown is author of How to Use the Internet to Advertise, Promote and Market Your Business or Web Site With Little or No Money and The Ultimate Guide to Search Engine Marketing: Pay Per Click Advertising Secrets Revealed, available at

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