Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fax Technology for Embedded Systems | People 4 Embedded

Data communication options for embedded system designers are expanding at exponential rates. One low cost option for transferring information is the use of off-the-shelf fax modem technology. Small, reliable, and economical (less than $100.00) single part faxmodem/DAA packages are available from several sources and can be called upon to send text and graphics to the most ubiquitous printing device in the world - the Group 3 fax. With some accommodation, the same technology can be used to send half-duplex data at 9.6 and 14.4 kbps from embedded systems.

Presented at Embedded Systems Conference 1993

Download the pdf:
ESC_1993_Vol1_Page35_Chase_Fax Technology for Embedded Systems.pdf

Michael]. Chase is on the graduate school faculty at the University of Colorado, where he teaches telecommunications and programming languages. He has worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories as a member of the technical staff, and at IBM's information products division. Chase professionally teaches C and C++ seminars for customers such as AT&T, IBM, Ameritech, Los Alamos National Labs, and Digital Equipment Corporation; he is also a principal of COMtrix Systems, Inc., which designs and manufactures wireless embedded system communication hardware and software for the process control industry. He holds a BSEE from Columbia University, an MSCS from the University of Southern California, and an MSEE/Telecommunications from the University of Colorado.

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