Sunday, May 20, 2012

Harmonic Pets | Geeky Fish Tanks

People might think fish don?t have a lot of interaction. After all, they live in water and we don?t. They swim around in their little enclosed houses, and we live outside them. But, fish tanks offer an opportunity to show off your personality. I think television shows such as Tanked or Fish Tank Kings show that tanks can be as individua

l as the people who create them.

For me, after sharing gaming (D&D) stories with someone who said that they knew a GM (game master) who used to throw dice which made bad rolls into the fish tank, I decided to do the same thing to my bettas. No, I don?t throw dice there, but hey, who says the ?aquarium gravel? has to be gravel.

fish tank dice

My aged (4ish years) betta passed, so I moved my sole survivor into the larger two gallon tank. It?s a bit more avant garde than what he was in before, and I clearly need more dice. But I think he enjoys his new home.

His former tank is cleaned and ready. And looking at my desk, I decided that the perfect place for it is right between my monitor and the tv. Even better, it fits in the ?fame and

reputation? quadrant of my desk, if you use feng shui. Since that color is red, I decided I?m going to do this one in all red dice. It?s a start, and with a red betta in it, I think this tank will be gorgeous!

So let your imagination be your guide. There?s a good chance that you can display your hobby, your fannish activities, your favorite things, in your fish tank. Why do they have to be boring with bubbling things and the proverbial plastic plant? As long as it?s a happy, healthy environment, why not make a geeky fish tank?


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