Democratic Women of North Carolina, Their Own?War
NC Fathers believes that the Democratic Women of North Carolina forgets that they are inadvertently creating their own war on women in the areas of family law and domestic violence. Since starting our organization, we are finding that women in paternal and non-custodial families have come out very strongly with their concerns regarding these two issues and we felt it was time to write a blog outlining their concerns. While primarily an organization of non-custodial parents in North Carolina who seeks family law reform for the presumption of non-discretionary equally shared parenting, we also advocate for all family members in the non-custodial family who are equally invested in their grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and step-children. The Democratic Women of North Carolina should recognize that in their efforts centered around Women?s Rights, specifically Mother?s Rights, which mandates that Fathers must either not gain custody of their children or have equal parentage and be pushed to the outer margins of their children?s lives as visitors and child support payers, they are actually hurting more Women that Fathers. The Women include paternal grandmothers, step-mothers, aunts, and daughters who love their Fathers. The Democratic Women of North Carolina should also remember that roughly half of NC Mothers have male children who will one day be marginalized in the NC Family Courts by Democratic policies that demand Mother centered family courts. Essentially, this organization?s efforts is helping to create great pain for the male children in the future if they experience divorce, and will likely be hurting many future non-custodial grandmothers.
How many of the Women featured in the video below have Male children? How many are paternal grandmothers, step-mothers, sisters of Men, and daughters of Men who have been equally hurt in the biased family courts?
Posts related to the Democratic Women of North Carolina ? NC Democratic Party, Representative Susi Hamilton
Visit the Leading Women for Shared Parenting Website

If you are Woman in a paternal or non-custodial paternal family who has been affected by the extremely divisive family courts, or by domestic violence policies that helped alienate your sons, husbands, fathers, and nephews from their children and homes then we encourage you to click on the red and blue graphic below to view a significant list of issues we have identified as leading to the situation you are in regarding your grandchildren or step-children. Additionally, we ask that you and members of the Democratic Women of North Carolina read our article on the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence before continuing with this article.

Democratic Women of North Carolina and Family Law Issues
Below is a list compiled by Women in our organization from all 100 NC counties who demand that the Democratic Women of North Carolina respond to is relates to family law and the courts:
- By attempting to create a court system that maintains the Mother and Child relationship only at the demise of a Father?s equal interest in his child?s life, how exactly can the Democratic Party continue it?s claim as the party of equality? How many paternal grandmothers, step-mothers, aunts, and other Women in paternal families watched as their Sons summarily lost their attempts to be equal parents after a divorce or relationship breakdown and were court ordered to be child support obligated four day a month visitor remanded to federal enforcement?
- How many Women in paternal families have watched as the family courts have allowed Mothers to move their children hundreds and thousands of miles away from active and loving fathers and how has this affected your ability to be a active and supportive grandmother or step-mother?
- How many Women in paternal families have watched their Sons go to jail because of poverty, illness, or loss of employment that prevented them from being on-time with their child support payments and not have the ability to get assistance because of their non-custodial status? How many Women voters in NC from paternal families have visited their children in jail because of tough economic times while knowing that the Mother of their young loved ones has access to housing assistance, food assistance, educational assistance, daycare assistance, medical assistance, dental assistance, financial assistance, job assistance, and tax incentives to make ends meet in tough economic times but call your Sons ?Deadbeats? because they don?t have the same access to these services?
- NC Fathers wonders how many supporters of the Democratic Women of North Carolina have had sons lose total access to their children because they did not have access to $20,000 family law attorneys to obtain basic rights to their children when a Mother left a marriage or relationship and prevented any access to the child(ren) unless a Judge gave visitation? Our organization estimates that there are tens of thousands of Fathers (and their families) in NC this happens to every year.
- How many Democratic Women in paternal families have witnessed how the family courts encourage two parents to excoriate each other in the family court process in order to win custody, and in doing so both parents spending $20,000 each with lawyers only to win exactly what you would have gotten if you didn?t even show up to court? How many Women in paternal and maternal families would like to see this money go towards their kids educational fund, medical fund, or money to start a business or put a down payment on a home?

Democratic Women of North Carolina and Domestic Violence Policies
NC Fathers statement on Domestic Violence For Democratic Women of North Carolina To Consider
Domestic Violence in North Carolina is a serious issue facing all of humanity, not just Women. Violence reduction against all humans requires a collaborative effort that is solution and evidence based; not grounded in governmental politics, ?sexual politics or gender ideology. Amelioration efforts must encompass proven interventions, both in treating victims and perpetrators and in providing legal remedies that serve the purpose of amelioration.
All these strategies must produce a sustained effort with informed sensitivities to men, women, and in particular, children, instead of using misdirection and other tactics that are designed to further ideological agendas and fund organizations.
Unfortunately, in North Carolina the only efforts aimed at ending Domestic Violence is geared towards male on female violence, harassment, intimidation, and control while denying that violence happens in ALL marriages and domestic partnerships including those relationships within the LGBT community.
As a Women in a paternal family, you need to know that federal laws which define what is considered as domestic violence includes things like raising one?s voice, slamming a door in anger, pointing a finger, or any other action that causes a person to ?FEEL? like they are afraid or in danger. As a Woman in a paternal family you need to know that Domestic Violence prosecution is not based on innocent until proven guilty, but rather preponderance of the evidence which simply means that absent any evidence or witnesses to an allegation of violence, a Judge can still find guilty if he/she feels that the LIKELIHOOD is greater that violence PROBABLY occurred.
Under the conditions of domestic violence definitions being so low that any act could reasonably be considered domestic violence and there not needing to be any evidence of abuse to have your sons, brothers, and fathers convicted, this has led to a culture of false allegations that are becoming the normal thing to use as a tactical advantage in child custody battles and they are being used at astonishing rates to win custody. Each day our organization hears from Women in North Carolina paternal families who tell us that they are witnessing this happen on a frequent basis. With this in mind, we are encouraging Democratic Women in North Carolina to find ways to bring evidenced based and gender neutral laws to the area of Domestic Violence so that this culture of false allegations can be dealt with and so that we can end ALL violence in North Carolina. Our organization also encourages members of the Democratic Women of North Carolina to consider the fact that as the false allegations become more common and Women talking about their occurrences, it will eventually start casting a shadow of doubt on ALL Domestic Violence allegations that could hurt victims of actual violence.
If you are a Woman in a paternal family or non-custodial family who identifies with this article, we ask that you share this article on the many social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and other networks to help us educate other non-custodial families about the issues discussed in this article. Additionally, we encourage you to use the comment section below to leave comments on what you would like to see Democratic Women in North Carolina do to resolve these issues. Lastly, we encourage you to join our MAILING LIST and FACEBOOK PAGE to help us in our efforts to bring about comprehensive family law reform and sensible domestic violence policies that focus on ALL violence in North Carolina.

Roughly half of custodial mothers today have male children who will one day be pushed to the margins of their kids lives if they experience a divorce and have children. Where do you think these non-custodial grandmothers (who will also be marginalized as well) will stand then? With Equally Shared Parenting?

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June 1, 2013 - Posted by stompkinsnc | Uncategorized
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