The study of Group Support Systems (GSS) to aid in decision-making groups of organisms is important for researchers to organize, for practical and scientific work (DeSanctis and Gallup, 1987, Huber et al, 1993) ..?GSS is a promising tool for better management team.?At a meeting in a group, team members have brought external work characteristics that have an official position in the hierarchy of the organization, reputation, personal, community or social (age, sex or race) has been obtained (Berger et al.?, 1972).?Some common problems faced by groups of extreme impact of the decisions of members of high speed, the lack of recognition of members? ideas humiliated, and a low tolerance for minorities or controversial opinions (DeSanctis and Gallup, 1987) was adopted.The members of the group with low external status characteristics affect the difficulty in making the group (Ridgeway, 1982).?Some team members are often reluctant to contribute to the debate, due to the contraction, low status and / or controversial ideas (DeSanctis and Gallup, 1987).
In an anonymous GSS environment plays an important role in meeting the group members to participate more closely in the meetings more productive (see, for review, Valacich et al., 1992a).?The conceptual framework of anonymity GSS (Valacich et al. 1992a), provides anonymity, the extent to which members of the group contributions are recognized by other group members or others outside the group.
The theoretical model of GSS (Dennis et al, 1988) describes the variables that affect the group process and the quality of results, including the condition of anonymity and member of the GSS.?The purpose of this study was to investigate the interaction component of GSS anonymity and group membership of group productivity and member satisfaction with the influence of the group.
Many researchers suspect GSS anonymity.?Much of this research show the effects of GSS anonymity is positive (see, for example, Beauclair, 1987?. Connolly et al, 1990? DeSanctis and Gallup, 1987? Jessup, 1989, Nunamaker et al, 1987?. Nunamaker et?al., 1988, Valacich et al, 1992a) ..?Anonymity is believed that an environment in which team members participate equally to vote their conscience and participate more often than you would a non-computerized system, where their contributions will be identified more easily created.?With the component of GSS anonymity, fear of embarrassment, social disapproval, and the ratification of the comment was wrong can be reduced significantly.Anonymity allows group members to speak freely and contribute their ideas openly and honestly, without fear of retaliation, direct, especially when the participants to feel concerned about their personal safety and professional.?It also promotes the anonymity of honest, objective assessment of contributions only for the value of the ideas are not writers.?Therefore, students should produce better assess and meet the more ideas and better decisions.
Instead, it proposes a fair amount of research on the effects of GSS anonymity anonymity can be negative (see eg, DeSanctis and Gallup, 1987? Jessup, 1989?. Jessup et al, 1990b?. Nunamaker et al, 1988).?Anonymity can help participants highly caustic in their evaluations of others and are more blunt and unequivocal in their opinions, conflicts within the group increases.?Anonymity can hide a member of the group an opportunity to hide their individual efforts or lack of effort.?As a result, participants may loaf and let others do the work.Furthermore, anonymity can filter any communication and cause some political elements are often lost in the meetings.
An explanation of these different arguments can be seen when the results of laboratory experiments of GSS anonymity than field studies.?are mixed results from laboratory experiments of GSS anonymity.?In some laboratory experiments, researchers have found effects of GSS anonymity.?For example, researchers have found several anonymous users of the group has created more clear solution, and in general the critical comments and questions to be answered, such as working groups have identified the circumstances.?Anonymous members of the GSS were more critical and deeper than an idea how to decorate GSS group members.?In one of the three studies, the groups interact anonymously, even more unique ideas designed to create groups interacting without anonymity (Connolly et al, 1990?. Jessup et al, 1990a?. Jessup et al, 1991) ..
In laboratory experiments, researchers have found no effect of GSS anonymity (see, for example, Beauclair, 1989, Dennis, 1991, George et al, 1990? .. Valacich et al, 1992).?In one study (Beauclair, 1989), although the subjects felt it necessary to interact effectively anonymous and reveal their true feelings, the actual performance does not match that satisfaction.?The lack of results showed that a GSS does not seem appropriate for groups with direct interests to work in a long tradition, hierarchy or wrong, a situation which, when executed anonymity of the GSS would be needed.
Source: http://www.esociety.co.cc/gss-anonymity-effects-on-small-group-behavior/
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