Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What percentage of my after tax income should I save every month ...

Question by Clean G : What percentage of my after tax income should I save every month
My after tax income (including bonus and interest income) is approximately U.S. $ 325K per month. I am a professional and my job is Relatively steady (been with the same company for more than 5 years). What percentage of my after tax income should I be saving (either for retirement or a rainy day)? Obviously, it is better to save as much as possible. But I guess I want to know what percentage is a prudent guideline. Thanks Best answer:
Answer by

If you start putting away $ 100 a month at the age of 25 you will have at least a million by the time you hit your mid 50?s Depending on what kind of interest you have. A 401K is best, my husband and I put $ 200 into it a month and have accrued over $ 16,000 in just three years.

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