Thursday, November 3, 2011

Looking for a RP partner!(:

So, I've just recently returned, annnnnnnd I'm itching to do a RP. I don't have any actual ideas ATM, but if any comes to mind I'll post them here.+ If you continue reading, I do have some requirements and guidelines. FYI... I'm a super great RPer and I'm super easy to get along with, ask anyone who knows me here!(: and I'm super flexible as well.

- I do prefer playing females, but if you would like to play one as well there are two options
? Girl x Girl
? I can play a girl/guy and you can also play a girl/guy, either works.
- You don't have to do lengthy posts every single time, but at the same time no one-liners.
- I do prefer threads then PM, it's not going to get nasty or anything (haha). But threads is easier, for me anyways.
- Images will be acquired, to see what the person looks like.

And that's it. Feel free to give idea suggestions and post here if your interested! Thaaaaaank you and I hope someone's up for the offer!!!<3333

**SHHHHHHH** I got cookies too... and ice cream!(:

Should've known you was trouble...
from the first kiss...
I'd catch a grenade for you...
throw my hand on a blade for you...

Yes, I would die for you.

You won't do the same.

Black, black, black and blue.
To give me all your love...
Is all I ever asked...
I'd catch a grenade for you!


direct tv lion king photon plane crash plane crash lake powell reno nevada

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