Monday, June 27, 2011

Moonlight Book Reviews: Amalie Howard (Tens List) (Tour Stop)

Amalie Howard author of Bloodspell is here to talk about her top ten high school moments! If you want to see the review go to the review archive and look it up! I found this fascinating and know you will too!

Top 10 High School Moments

So here?s the thing, my high-school experience is a little bit different from the norm. First of all, I went to high school in the Caribbean, which means that we followed the British education system. Under that system, the first level is primary (or elementary) school, for ages five to eleven. Then comes the next level of education we?re talking about ? secondary school or high school, for ages eleven to eighteen. Think along the lines of Harry Potter if you?re floundering. We also call them ?forms? not grades. So in high school, you?d have Form 1 through to Form 6 (which was split into two years, Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth).

The other thing you should know is that I went to an all girls high school, and we all had to wear a lovely navy blue plaid uniform. My high school was called St. Augustine Girls? High School. Like the Harry Potter books, we were all sorted into five Houses upon entry, like Gryffindor and whatnot, only ours were called Beattie (yellow belts), Mahase (white belts), Wagar (red belts), Lahourie (dark blue belts), and Guisseppi (light blue belts). We didn?t have a sorting hat ? House selection was all more random actually. I was in Beattie, and we were known for our athletic capabilities. Like Hogwarts, we received order marks (demerits) for bad behavior and earned points for school and/or sporting events. At the end of the year, one House would be the winning House based on the tallied number of points.

That said, here are my top 10 High-School Moments (note: they?re not all good).

10) Winning the House Cup four years in a row in the seven years I was there.
9) Not having to shave my legs for weeks because it was an all girls? school.
8) Going to the ?disco? for the first time at the ?May Fiesta? high school fair (think warm school auditorium, windows lined with black garbage bags, boys, and a whole lot of the forbidden dance).
7) Placing second in a high school fashion show in third form (I won a Sony Walkman!)
6) Winning the ?Survival-of-the-Fittest? athletic contest (think Survivor in high school) in second form. I was tiny but I was tough!
5) Playing the steel-pan with the school band in a National Music Competition in fourth form.
4) Admitting to drinking during a school seminar on drugs and alcohol in fifth form. A French professor at the time, my mother made me write out the meaning of the word ?drunk? 100 times for publicly embarrassing her. Note to self: never embellish the truth on alcohol consumption.
3) Being the mascot for my House?s marching band during Sports Day ? I was the cutest cartwheeling banana ever!
2) Being named ?Most All-Round Student? in sixth form.
1) PROM. Come on! This is the same for any high school, anywhere, only ours was called a ?graduation ball.? I didn?t have a boyfriend, so my prom date was an older boy whose parents were friends of my parents. He was cute and sophisticated, which was awesome until I found out he had a girlfriend. Sigh.


the eagle aesop dungeon siege 3 pottery barn dex plazma burst 2 tim tebow

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