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NEW YORK (Reuters) - Barnes & Noble Inc took a shot at archrival on Wednesday, unveiling its own lighter and thinner hi-definition tablets that can accommodate multiple users in a bid to win a bigger share of the exploding tablet market.
The largest U.S. bookstore chain introduced the new devices with price tags ranging from $199 for a 7-inch Nook HD tablet with 8 gigabytes of memory, to $299 for a 9-inch Nook HD+ tablet, similar in size to Apple Inc's market-leading iPad, with 32 GB of memory. IPad prices are roughly twice as high for similar devices.
The new Nooks are the latest entrants in the fight for sales of tablets and e-readers - and the digital content like books, movies and magazines that goes with them. Barnes & Noble has staked its future on its digital business as the company faces an overall industrywide drop in the sales of physical books.
"A key growth area is to get their existing customer base onto the digital platform," Forrester Research analyst Sarah Rotman Epps told Reuters, saying the new devices were competitive with similar products by Amazon in terms of features and pricing.
Barnes & Noble faces formidable competition from Amazon, which can use its Prime shipping service and site to draw users, and the iPad, which has sold in the tens of millions of units.
To keep pace, Barnes & Noble added innovative features that would allow each a family to share a Nook tablet, with each user able to create a home page and customize preferences, the first table to do so. There are also parental controls that can prevent kids from reading "Fifty Shades of Grey" or go shopping on the digital store.
The company is also launching a new video-streaming and download service for Nook, narrowing the gap with Amazon and Apple, which offer more content on their devices.
At a media event in Manhattan on Tuesday, officials said the company had emphasized features such as image resolution and page-turning technology given the needs of its basic customers, book and magazine readers.
"We are playing in the tablet space, but reading is at our core," Barnes & Noble Chief Executive William Lynch told Reuters in an interview on Tuesday.
The 7-inch tablet weighs 11.1 ounces. Its larger sibling is 18.2 ounces, making it lighter than the iPad and making them both more appropriate for reading, he added. The iPad weighs about 23 ounces.
The top U.S. bookstore chain launched its first Nook device, a basic e-reader, in 2009 and has held its own with deep-pocketed rivals Amazon, Apple and Google Inc. That success has allowed it to garner as much as 30 percent of the U.S. electronic-books market.
Barnes & Noble's new devices, available for pre-order on Wednesday, will ship in October and be in U.S. stores in November. They will be on sale in Britain beginning in late November at chains including Sainsbury's and Waitrose.
For a factbox comparing Nook, iPad and Kindle:
The tablet market is among the fastest-growing sectors of the technology industry. Research firm Gartner forecasts that sales will almost double this year, to 118.9 million units.
Barnes & Noble's latest Nooks will appear in its nearly 700 stores as well as chains Best Buy Co Inc, Target Corp and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Target and Wal-Mart have decided to no longer carry Amazon's Kindles, giving the Nook an edge at thousands of retail locations. Inc earlier this month unveiled its own HD tablets. It launched its first last year and says it has a 22 percent share of the U.S. market.
With the new Nooks, Barnes & Noble is also taking aim at Apple, whose iPad is far more expensive, because there is room in the market for a strong tablet at a lower price, Lynch said.
Questions about the Nook's long-term viability arose last month after Barnes & Noble reported that Nook revenue including ebooks last quarter was up only 0.3 percent, hurt by price decreases early in the summer. That has added urgency to developing new products.
Price wars with Amazon have been bruising, but Lynch was undismayed: "We're growing the digital content portion of the business, and that's where we envision making our economics," Lynch said.
Last quarter, Barnes & Noble lost business when it didn't have enough Nook devices that allow for reading in the dark. Lynch said the company is now producing HD tablets in numbers sufficient to meet what it expects will be strong demand during the holiday period.
"We believe we'll gain significant share in the tablet category, and we've planned for that from a production standpoint. I believe these are going to be hot holiday gifts."
(Editing by Prudence Crowther)
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Contact: Jackie Carr
University of California - San Diego
Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have found that recovery from an emerging, minimally invasive surgical technique called Laparo-Endoscopic Single-Site Surgery (LESS) was less painful for kidney cancer patients than traditional laparoscopic surgery. Study results were published in the September online edition of Urology.
"In the largest prospective study of kidney cancer patients to date, the UC San Diego study showed less use of narcotic pain medication and lower pain scores upon hospital discharge," said Ithaar Derweesh, MD, senior author and urologic oncologist at UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center. "For patients and surgeons, this research shows that reducing the number of incisions to one confers benefits beyond fewer scars."
Led by Derweesh, the study compared single-site laparoscopy, also known as LESS, and traditional multiport laparoscopy in a total of 74 patients needing either complete or partial removal of the kidney for malignancy. LESS was performed with one small incision in the umbilicus through which all tools were inserted to reach the tumor. The patients undergoing traditional laparoscopy underwent four to six incisions.
After surgery, surgeons used the visual analog pain (VAP) test to establish a patient's comfort level. The test is composed of simple line drawings of the human face. One end of the scale shows a smile and "no hurt," the opposite end expresses tears and "hurts worst."
"We found that patients rated the LESS surgery as 40 percent less painful than traditional laparoscopic surgery, while requiring approximately 50 percent less narcotic pain medication," said Derweesh. "This is an excellent sign that the LESS technique may further improve the quality of life of appropriate patients undergoing major cancer surgery."
The incidence of renal cell carcinoma is increasing worldwide. In the United States, kidney cancer is the most lethal of the commonly diagnosed urologic malignancies, diagnosed in more than 64,000 Americans every year. According to the American Cancer Society, kidney cancer is increasing at a rate of two to three percent each year in the U.S.
Additional contributors to this paper include Wassim M. Bazzi, Sean P. Stroup, Ryan P. Kopp, Seth A. Cohen, and Kyoko Sakamoto from the UC San Diego School of Medicine.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Jackie Carr
University of California - San Diego
Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have found that recovery from an emerging, minimally invasive surgical technique called Laparo-Endoscopic Single-Site Surgery (LESS) was less painful for kidney cancer patients than traditional laparoscopic surgery. Study results were published in the September online edition of Urology.
"In the largest prospective study of kidney cancer patients to date, the UC San Diego study showed less use of narcotic pain medication and lower pain scores upon hospital discharge," said Ithaar Derweesh, MD, senior author and urologic oncologist at UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center. "For patients and surgeons, this research shows that reducing the number of incisions to one confers benefits beyond fewer scars."
Led by Derweesh, the study compared single-site laparoscopy, also known as LESS, and traditional multiport laparoscopy in a total of 74 patients needing either complete or partial removal of the kidney for malignancy. LESS was performed with one small incision in the umbilicus through which all tools were inserted to reach the tumor. The patients undergoing traditional laparoscopy underwent four to six incisions.
After surgery, surgeons used the visual analog pain (VAP) test to establish a patient's comfort level. The test is composed of simple line drawings of the human face. One end of the scale shows a smile and "no hurt," the opposite end expresses tears and "hurts worst."
"We found that patients rated the LESS surgery as 40 percent less painful than traditional laparoscopic surgery, while requiring approximately 50 percent less narcotic pain medication," said Derweesh. "This is an excellent sign that the LESS technique may further improve the quality of life of appropriate patients undergoing major cancer surgery."
The incidence of renal cell carcinoma is increasing worldwide. In the United States, kidney cancer is the most lethal of the commonly diagnosed urologic malignancies, diagnosed in more than 64,000 Americans every year. According to the American Cancer Society, kidney cancer is increasing at a rate of two to three percent each year in the U.S.
Additional contributors to this paper include Wassim M. Bazzi, Sean P. Stroup, Ryan P. Kopp, Seth A. Cohen, and Kyoko Sakamoto from the UC San Diego School of Medicine.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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By Linda Stern,Reuters
WASHINGTON -- Much was made of multimillionaire candidate Mitt Romney's tax status when he released his 2011 tax return on September 21. It showed an effective tax rate of 14.1 percent; many middle-income working Americans and the average wealthy person pay at higher rates than that.?
But there's no need to get mad when you can get even: Middle-income taxpayers can use a lot of the same write-offs that Romney used, and they don't have to go to Switzerland or the Cayman Islands to do it.
Here are some ways that the uber-rich cut their taxes that you can use, too.
Invest in stocks directly
Middle-income people tend to make most of their investments via mutual funds and 401(k) plans. Those retirement funds do give you an immediate write-off of your contribution, but here's what else they do: They turn capital gains, taxed at a maximum rate of 15 percent, into ordinary income, taxed at a maximum rate of 35 percent.
And mutual funds that own portfolios full of stocks are required to distribute their taxable gains annually. Average investors who own mutual funds (outside of tax-deferred retirement funds) therefore have to pay taxes on those gains every year, whether they sell shares and withdraw money or not.
Here's the way rich folk do it: They buy shares of solid dividend-paying companies directly. They take the dividend income, also typically taxed at a 15 percent maximum. They let the stocks roll. When a share price falls, they sell the stock at a loss, and use the loss to offset other gains. When they eventually sell stocks that have long-term gains, they only pay 15 percent tax on the gain.
Work for yourselfMore importantly, they can set aside more money on a tax-deferred basis than the typical employee. Using defined benefit retirement plans and simplified employee pensions, people who own companies can set aside substantial amounts of money for their retirement. When they leave (or simply close) their companies, they can roll that money over into tax-deferred individual retirement accounts.
Be charitable
As Mormons who tithe and go beyond that with big gifts to numerous nonprofits, the Romneys have substantial charitable donations that are tax deductible. They didn't even take full advantage of that write-off on their 2011 tax return; perhaps to avoid having to show a return with an effective tax rate near 10 percent, according to some reports.
But the charitable deduction is a valuable one for less well-heeled taxpayers, too. People can donate money to groups that advance their own policy stances, such as Planned Parenthood or Project Ultrasound. They can donate to their own religious organizations, or their children's private schools and camps, or their local library and symphony orchestra. And so, they can reap benefits from those donations, and still deduct them from their taxable income.
In addition, individuals can reap surprisingly substantial deductions by donating their old clothing, housewares, electronics and vehicles to charitable organizations.
And those stocks that have accumulated big gains? If you give a charity an appreciated stock, you can deduct the whole gift and you don't have to pay money on the gain. So, shares worth $1,000 that you paid $500 for can be deducted at $1,000 when you give them away to a legitimate nonprofit.
Help the kids
The super wealthy are widely known to use trusts and other estate-planning vehicles to transfer money to their children and grandchildren in ways that avoid taxation. But less wealthy folks can do that too. Children are allowed to receive up to $1,900 in investment income before it is taxed at their parents rate. If your children are older than 19 (or over 24 if they are full-time students) and earn $35,350 or less, their tax rate on capital gains is zero. You can give them those same appreciated stocks and they will owe no taxes on the gain.
If you decide to do that, do it this year; the zero percent capital gains tax rate expires at the end of 2012, and it's renewal is far from certain.
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You might think if anyone knows about the threat of identity theft and the steps needed to avoid it, it would be a lawyer. These people spend a living dealing with criminals. However, as a recent article in the Florida Bar News illustrates, attorneys are just as much at risk as anyone else. Florida lawyer Laurie Moss recently reported that she provided thieves with her personal information when providing it for what she thought was a background check for a law firm position in California.
When she showed up to report for her first day at the firm, she found out that the California lawyers did not exist. She does not know who ended up with her Social Security number, driver?s license number and other information. She also fears that whoever it is knows that she is an attorney and the thieves may try to practice law in her name.
One of the mistakes that Moss made was providing her personal information to a placement agency, which did not confirm that the job was a legitimate one. There were a few red flags. The placement agency?s IP address could be traced back to Bermuda and a lot of the language on its website was stolen from another law firm?s site, for two things. The agency also never met with the lawyers in person, of course.
Moss may be in for a hard road since the fake firm got both her personal information and her financial information, provided in order to get her her compensation for the legal work. It would help her if she had made this mistake while signed up for an identity theft protection plan. While she reported the issue to the credit reporting agencies, her bank and the Florida Bar Association, she could face some serious problems down the road.
With identity theft coverage, she could get instant alerts when it?s suspected that thieves are using her information. She could also receive compensation for some or all of the funds needed to recover her identity if it is used in a negative manner. Of course, she could have been more careful about how she handled applying for the ?job,? but everyone makes mistakes and that?s why we have people and policies to back us up.
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Synopsis This report is the result of an extensive survey drawn from Timetrics exclusive panel of leading construction industry executives from Europe. The opinions and forward looking statements of 106 industry executives have been captured in our in-depth survey, of which 37% represent director and C-level respondents The geographical scope of the research is European ? drawing on the activity and expectations of leading industry players across countries in Europe The report covers data and analysis on construction industry dynamics, construction industry growth outlook, threats and opportunities for the construction industry and construction industry buyer spend activity Key topics covered include revenue growth expectations, future developments in business structure, capital expenditure expectations, planned change in staff recruitment, merger and acquisition activity expectations, demand in emerging markets, growth expectations in developed markets, leading business concerns in 20122013, key supplier actions to maintain and secure business from buyers, key variations in operational costs and impact of costs on product pricingSummaryIndustry Dynamics, Growth, Threats & Opportunities in the European Construction Industry 2012-2013: Survey Intelligence is a new report by Timetric that analyzes how industry dynamics, growth, threats & opportunities are set to change in the European construction industry in 20122013. This report gives you access to the construction industry dynamics, construction industry growth outlook and threats and opportunities for the construction industry. The report also identifies future growth of M&A. This report not only grants access to the opinions and strategies of business decision makers and competitors in Europe, but also examines their actions surrounding business priorities. The report also provides access to information categorized by buyers, suppliers, company type and company turnover.ScopeThe report features the opinions of European construction industry respondents related to the following: Revenue growth expectations Future developments in business structure Capital expenditure expectations Planned change in staff recruitment Merger and acquisition activity expectations Demand in emerging markets Growth expectations in developed markets Leading business concerns in 20122013 Key supplier actions to maintain and secure business from buyers Key variations in operational costs Impact of costs on product pricingReasons To Buy Drive revenues by understanding future product investment areas and growth regions Uncover the business outlook, key challenges and opportunities identified by suppliers and buyersKey HighlightsNA
Original Post Industry Dynamics, Growth, Threats & Opportunities in the European Construction Industry 2012-2013: Survey Intelligence source Researchmoz Market Research
Manufacturing & Construction Reports
Posted in Market Research | Tagged 20122013, Construction, Dynamics, European, Growth, Industry, Intelligence, Opportunities, Survey, Threats
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Contact: SINC
FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
An international team of scientists headed from the University of Santiago de Compostela ensures that reading the labels on food products is linked to obesity prevention, especially in women. According to the study which used data from the USA, female consumers who consult food labels weigh nearly 4 kilograms less.
Along with the Universities of Tennessee, Arkansas (USA) and the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural Finance Research, the University of Santiago de Compostela has participated in a study on the relationship between reading the food label and obesity.
The results indicated that the body mass index of those consumers who read that label is 1.49 points lower than those who never consider such information when doing their food shopping. This translates as a reduction of 3.91 kg for an American woman measuring 1.62 cm and weighing 74 kg.
The data was taken from the annual National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) performed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC - Some 25,640 observations were collected on health and eating and shopping habits. These included various questions on whether participants read the nutritional information in supermarkets and how often.
"First we analysed which was the profile of those who read the nutritional label when purchasing foods, and then we moved on to the relationship with their weight," as explained to SINC by Mara Loureiro, lead author of the study published in the 'Agricultural Economics' journal.
"Obesity is one of the most serious health problems in modern day USA," outlines the researcher. "The number of overweight or obese adults has risen over the years. From 2009 to 2010, more than a third (nearly 37%) of the adult population in this country were obese and in children and adolescents this figure rises to 17%.
In terms of distribution, the highest obesity prevalence was recorded amongst the non-Latin black population (49.5%), Mexican Americans (40.4%), Latins (39.1%) and the non-Latin white population (34.3%), according to 2010 CDC data.
Greater effect on urban white women
The team found very significant differences between consumers that read labels and those that do not. On the one hand, the study shows that the smoking population pays much less attention to this information. According to the researcher, "their lifestyle involves less healthy habits and as a consequence, it could be the case that they are not so worried about the nutritional content of the food they eat, according to our results."
Furthermore, the city-dwelling population (49% of the sample) takes nutritional information into account the most. This is also the case for those with high school education (40% of those surveyed) and universities studies (17% of the total sample).
According to sex, 58% of men either habitually or always read the information contained within nutritional labels. However, this figure stands at 74% for women.
"In general, the associated impact is higher amongst women than men," adds the researcher. On average, women who read the nutritional information have a body mass index of 1.48 points lower, whereas this difference is just 0.12 points in men.
The study also touches on significant ethnic differences. In this sense, the white female consumers see the greatest reduction in the body mass of around 1.76 points.
"We know that this information can be used as a mechanism to prevent obesity. We have seen that those who read food labels are those who live in urban areas, those with high school and high education. As we would hope therefore, campaigns and public policy can be designed to promote the use of nutritional labelling on menus at restaurants and other public establishments for the benefit of those who usually eat out," concludes Loureiro.
Mara L. Loureiro, Steven T. Yen, Rodolfo M. Nayga, "The effects of nutritional labels on obesity". Agricultural Economics 43: 333, 2012. DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-0862.2012.00586.x.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: SINC
FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
An international team of scientists headed from the University of Santiago de Compostela ensures that reading the labels on food products is linked to obesity prevention, especially in women. According to the study which used data from the USA, female consumers who consult food labels weigh nearly 4 kilograms less.
Along with the Universities of Tennessee, Arkansas (USA) and the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural Finance Research, the University of Santiago de Compostela has participated in a study on the relationship between reading the food label and obesity.
The results indicated that the body mass index of those consumers who read that label is 1.49 points lower than those who never consider such information when doing their food shopping. This translates as a reduction of 3.91 kg for an American woman measuring 1.62 cm and weighing 74 kg.
The data was taken from the annual National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) performed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC - Some 25,640 observations were collected on health and eating and shopping habits. These included various questions on whether participants read the nutritional information in supermarkets and how often.
"First we analysed which was the profile of those who read the nutritional label when purchasing foods, and then we moved on to the relationship with their weight," as explained to SINC by Mara Loureiro, lead author of the study published in the 'Agricultural Economics' journal.
"Obesity is one of the most serious health problems in modern day USA," outlines the researcher. "The number of overweight or obese adults has risen over the years. From 2009 to 2010, more than a third (nearly 37%) of the adult population in this country were obese and in children and adolescents this figure rises to 17%.
In terms of distribution, the highest obesity prevalence was recorded amongst the non-Latin black population (49.5%), Mexican Americans (40.4%), Latins (39.1%) and the non-Latin white population (34.3%), according to 2010 CDC data.
Greater effect on urban white women
The team found very significant differences between consumers that read labels and those that do not. On the one hand, the study shows that the smoking population pays much less attention to this information. According to the researcher, "their lifestyle involves less healthy habits and as a consequence, it could be the case that they are not so worried about the nutritional content of the food they eat, according to our results."
Furthermore, the city-dwelling population (49% of the sample) takes nutritional information into account the most. This is also the case for those with high school education (40% of those surveyed) and universities studies (17% of the total sample).
According to sex, 58% of men either habitually or always read the information contained within nutritional labels. However, this figure stands at 74% for women.
"In general, the associated impact is higher amongst women than men," adds the researcher. On average, women who read the nutritional information have a body mass index of 1.48 points lower, whereas this difference is just 0.12 points in men.
The study also touches on significant ethnic differences. In this sense, the white female consumers see the greatest reduction in the body mass of around 1.76 points.
"We know that this information can be used as a mechanism to prevent obesity. We have seen that those who read food labels are those who live in urban areas, those with high school and high education. As we would hope therefore, campaigns and public policy can be designed to promote the use of nutritional labelling on menus at restaurants and other public establishments for the benefit of those who usually eat out," concludes Loureiro.
Mara L. Loureiro, Steven T. Yen, Rodolfo M. Nayga, "The effects of nutritional labels on obesity". Agricultural Economics 43: 333, 2012. DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-0862.2012.00586.x.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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In this Aug. 30, 2012 photo, former regional lawmaker Sigifredo Lopez gestures during an interview at his home in Cali, Colombia. Prosecutors ordered Lopez freed from house arrest on Aug. 14, three months after ordering him jailed for allegedly helping leftist rebels plan the kidnapping of 11 colleagues who were later killed. Lopez had also been kidnapped by rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, in the 2002 raid on the regional assembly in Cali. (AP Photo/Juan Bautista Diaz)
In this Aug. 30, 2012 photo, former regional lawmaker Sigifredo Lopez gestures during an interview at his home in Cali, Colombia. Prosecutors ordered Lopez freed from house arrest on Aug. 14, three months after ordering him jailed for allegedly helping leftist rebels plan the kidnapping of 11 colleagues who were later killed. Lopez had also been kidnapped by rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, in the 2002 raid on the regional assembly in Cali. (AP Photo/Juan Bautista Diaz)
In this Aug. 30, 2012 photo, former regional lawmaker Sigifredo Lopez gestures during an interview at his home in Cali, Colombia. Prosecutors ordered Lopez freed from house arrest on Aug. 14, three months after ordering him jailed for allegedly helping leftist rebels plan the kidnapping of 11 colleagues who were later killed. Lopez had also been kidnapped by rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, in the 2002 raid on the regional assembly in Cali. (AP Photo/Juan Bautista Diaz)
CALI, Colombia (AP) ? Sigifredo Lopez personally paid the cost of Colombia's bloody civil war when he was kidnapped by rebels along with 11 other legislators, held captive for seven years and became famous as the lone survivor of a notorious massacre of his captive colleagues.
His stunning arrest this year made him a symbol of something else as well: the murky nature of Colombia's long civil conflict.
Prosecutors alleged that far from being a victim, Lopez was actually in cahoots with the rebels who seized the lawmakers. The former hostage found himself a prisoner again.
"They painted me as the worst criminal in the history of humanity," Lopez said in an interview with The Associated Press at his home in Cali.
Now 48 and with thick, graying hair, the heavyset lawyer lives with his high school sweetheart, also an attorney, in a middle-class house. He apparently practices little law these days, but ran for the national Senate in 2010 and for mayor of Cali in 2011, losing both times.
Lopez has frequently recounted his ordeal as a rebel hostage to investigators and others, so he didn't think much about the phone call from prosecutors summoning him to their office on May 16.
But he was floored by what they had to say: "Sir, you are under arrest."
"I thought it was a joke," Lopez said.
Guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, the FARC, staged a dramatic raid on the provincial legislature in 2002 and grabbed 12 little-known lawmakers, including Lopez.
He was a member of the center-left Liberal Party, but the rebels apparently gave no thought to his politics. He and his companions were among at least 50 military officers, police and politicians taken captive between 1997 and 2002. They made up a group that the FARC called the "exchangeables"? hostages it wanted to swap for imprisoned rebels. Successive Colombian governments, however, rejected that idea.
Eleven of the legislators were executed five years later in a confused incident when their rebel captors mistook another guerrilla unit for a government rescue force and carried out standing orders to kill their hostages in the event of such an attempt. Lopez was the only survivor. He was freed by the FARC in 2009 and returned to Cali, the capital of Valle del Cauca.
Since Lopez was released, his story has not wavered: He survived the 2007 executions because on that day the rebels were punishing him by keeping him 50 meters, or about 50 yards, away from the others, separated by a wall of palm leaves.
Lopez said he heard the gunshots but other rebels quickly spirited him away. He said he finally learned of his companions' massacre two weeks later from the guerrillas and radio broadcasts.
For a long time, nobody had cause to doubt him.
That changed after a military operation killed FARC maximum leader Alfonso Cano in November 2011 and troops recovered his laptop, which contained videos and numerous documents on FARC's operations.
In one of those videos, a man's voice can be heard explaining in front of a map of the Valle del Cauca legislature how the 2002 kidnapping raid would be done. Suddenly the speaker shifts position, offering a brief glimpse of his profile.
Prosecutors alleged that the man was Sigifredo Lopez, and arrested him on suspicion of murder, kidnapping, perfidy and rebellion. Besides the video, prosecutors said four former FARC guerrillas had given testimony implicating Lopez, according to a copy of his arrest order.
No motive was offered, leading to speculation that Lopez could have plotted with the rebels and then been betrayed when they kidnapped him as well.
Colombians were aghast. It seemed unthinkable that a man who himself was held captive for nearly seven years could have betrayed his own, and some people, including Colombia's interior minister and relatives of the slain legislators, expressed hope that somehow it was all a terrible mistake.
"Judas?" Colombia's leading weekly newsmagazine asked on its cover.
Another former hostage, Gov. Alan Jara of the southern province of Meta, said he felt "absolute disbelief" when the allegations surfaced, though he never met Lopez because they were held in distinct parts of the country.
"It's two different hells," Jara said. "And who knows know which is worse: the kidnapping, or being imprisoned for something he didn't commit."
After his arrest, Lopez was taken to the capital, Bogota. Behind bars, he was suddenly reliving a nightmare of captivity that he thought was over. Even worse, he was suspected of complicity in the death of his fellow captives.
It wasn't long, however, before the prosecutors' case began unraveling.
On May 24, Caracol Television broadcast an interview with a former rebel who took part in the legislators' kidnapping and said the man on the video was actually guerrilla Milton Sierra Gomez, alias "JJ," the commander of the assault.
At the request of Lopez's lawyers, the video was examined by Colombian forensic experts and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. It was determined the video was too brief and the audio too muddled to tell whether the man was Lopez.
The testimony of the former rebels who implicated Lopez was also thrown into doubt.
One had said Lopez used a cellphone to call then-President Andres Pastrana from the jungle and tell him not to bomb an area where the captives were being held. But Pastrana told Colombian media he was never contacted by Lopez during those years.
A judge rejected the charges brought by prosecutors and Lopez was freed on Aug. 14, though the prosecutors have not formally withdrawn the charges, acknowledged error or apologized.
Other former hostages said his case highlights deficiencies in Colombian justice system, which allows prosecutors to order a suspect detained without charge during an investigation.
"Sigifredo's case is one of those episodes in which injustice borders on madness," said Ingrid Betancourt, a French-Colombian who was running for Colombia's presidency when she was taken captive by the FARC in 2002. An army rescue freed her and 14 other hostages in 2008.
Legal authorities defend their actions, noting they had testimony from the ex-rebels to corroborate their suspicions about the video.
"Prosecutors had no evidence that those witnesses were untruthful," Attorney General Eduardo Montealegre told the AP. "It was in no way staged."
Lopez said his 38 days in a Colombian jail did bring a major life change. On June 22, the day he was released from prison and put under house arrest, he asked his partner of 26 years to marry him. Patricia Nieto said yes, and they tied the knot a week later.
"I had several revelations from God," Lopez said. "In one of them he told me: 'Get married by the Holy Mother Church.'"
Today Lopez said he's happy and trying to move on. He doesn't know yet whether he will sue the government, but he hopes to see changes in the legal system.
"I hope that what happened to me never happens again to any Colombian."
Associated Press writers Cesar Garcia and Vivian Sequera in Bogota contributed to this report.
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BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's Constitutional Court said on Wednesday the country can ratify the euro zone's new rescue fund and budget pact as long it can guarantee there will be no increase in German financial exposure to the bailout fund without parliament's approval.
Ruling that an injunction against the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and fiscal compact was largely unfounded, the court said one condition for allowing ratification was that any increase in German liability beyond 190 billion euros must first be approved by the Bundestag lower house of parliament.
It also said ESM decisions must be submitted to both houses of parliament for approval, rejecting a confidentiality clause in the treaty.
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"The conditionality is a bit more on the negative side. The maximum liability is a bit disappointing. But the risk premia have been compressed over the last two months and equities have benefited and they should continue to benefit from this overall positive outcome."
"It's a positive outcome, with acceptable conditions, and the market should react positively to it. The euro zone has got over another hurdle, and slowly but surely, the region is getting more stable, less risky.
"The only big issue left now is Spain, but the mechanisms to deal with the country's problems are taking shape."
"The market was expecting it to be ratified but with some conditionality, which seems to be the case. The conditionality that I've seen so far doesn't come as a great surprise. ? It hasn't shocked the market in a negative sense and therefore it allows the market to move forward."
(Reporting by Berlin and London newsrooms)
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Source: --- Friday, September 07, 2012
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) ? Sixty days to the election, President Barack Obama charges onto the campaign trail Friday pleading for patience from hard-pressed Americans toying with the notion of change, and portraying Republican rival Mitt Romney as unproven. Ready for the two-month sprint, the GOP nominee blasted out 15 TV ads in eight states in response. Obama and Romney shadow each other Friday: Both of them are campaigning in New Hampshire and Iowa, improbable battleground states in the too-close-to-call race. The campaigning was sure to be dominated by a new report from the Labor Department on the nation's jobless. On the morning after Obama's closing speech at the Democratic National... ...
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ATLANTA, Sept. 5, 2012 // PRNewswire // -- On Monday, September 17th Hooters of the Southern Carolinas will be hosting the 3rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament at Rock Hill Country Club, partnering for the second year in a row with Military Family LifeStyle Charitable Foundation. Last year's tournament had raised over $9,000 toward the cause.
Golfers can register to play at any area Hooters location. The $400 foursome entry fee includes lunch, drinks, dinner, prizes and gift bag. Companies can also support the cause through corporate sponsorships and hole sponsors by contacting Dayna Hinson at (704) 527-2085.
The tournament begins at 10 AM with an 11 AM shotgun start at the Rock Hill Country Club, located at 600 Country Club Drive, Rock Hill, S.C. 29730.
Hooters of America, LLC is the franchisor and operator of over 430 Hooters restaurants in 44 states and 28 foreign countries. The first Hooters opened in 1983 in Clearwater, Florida. Hooters is well-known for its brand of food and fun, featuring a casual beach-theme atmosphere, a menu that features seafood, sandwiches and Hooters nearly, world famous chicken wings, and service provided by the All-American cheerleaders, the Hooters Girls. For more information about Hooters visit,, or
Military Family LifeStyle Charitable Foundation, Inc. (MFLCF) provides our military members and their families the dignity and respect they deserve for their commitment and selfless service in preserving the freedoms we all enjoy. MFLCF provides funds for military personnel who have been disabled in the line of duty; help families with expenses when their spouses have been called to active duty and are unable to maintain the family household finances on a reduced income, and provide funds for educational grants and other financial needs for children of military families who have lost a parent during military service.
SOURCE Hooters of America, LLC
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Though I?ve enjoyed the odd multiplayer gaming experience, I?ve always preferred for my videogames to be a form of escapism as opposed to competition or digital socialising. I love single player games. Large expansive RPG worlds that suck me right in, or linear cinematic action experiences, platformers, city builders whatever. I love single player games. You know who doesn?t? EA.
In a recent Q&A, EA?s perpetually-in-the-news labels boss Frank Gibeau boasted about how proud he is that he hasn?t approved a game that was purely single player in ages. This is probably why you can?t have Mirror?s Edge 2.
?We are very proud of the way EA evolved with consumers,? Gibeau said at a conference on cloud computing. ?I have not green lit one game to be developed as a single player experience. Today, all of our games include online applications and digital services that make them live 24/7/365.For all the investments we?ve made in mobile and social, we never abandoned consoles. We are working closely with the console manufacturers and we are very excited about the Gen4 consoles that will be launched in the months and years ahead.?
Of course, his comment caused a veritable sh*tstorm ? with people hating on EA, promising never to buy the company?s ?socially connected, online experiences? again. As you?d expect, Gibeau soon backtracked a little; saying games can be single player ? they just need some sort of social connection.
?You can have a very deep single-player game but it has to have an ongoing content plan for keeping customers engaged beyond what?s on the initial disc. I?m not saying deathmatch must come to Mirror?s Edge,? he said to Kotaku.?What I?m saying is if you?re going do it, do it with an open-world game that?s a connected experience where you can actually see other players, you can co-operate, you can compete and it can be social. Everything that we do, we see the telemetry coming in telling us that?s the best way to build our business and that?s the best way to build these experiences and be differentiated from others.?
?I still passionately believe in single-player games and think we should build them. What I was trying to suggest with my comments was that we move our company from being a packaged goods, fire-and-forget business to a digital business that has a service component to it,? he said.
?That should not be misunderstood as the death of single-player games, or single-player experiences or telling stories. Narrative is what separates good games from bad games. Or great from good, even.?
As I?ve said before, I just don?t want any of this ?connected world? nonsense in my videogames. I don?t care that JohnnYSexyPaNTS jumped further than me. I really don?t.
I just want to play great games.
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